Friday, 30 July 2010

Things that make me sad.

Well, I thought I haven't done a ranting blog yet, so I might as well stuff several things that irritate me into one post.

• When people: "typ lik dizz." It makes you looks like an eleven year old, to be honest. I like abbreviation as much as the next guy, but abbreviation such as 'u' instead of 'you.' That's far more useful.

• People 'liking' statuses that shouldn't be 'liked' on Facebook. People use the 'like' button as a form of agreeing with someone, which is wrong.

• People with bad manners. No explanation needed.

• When I can't find things. It has to be the most annoying thing ever. And then someone comes along and says: 'Where did you last have it?' Well, if I knew that I wouldn't have lost it, would I?

• Disappointing film/book/TV show endings. Sometimes writers can just get so lazy.

• Celebrities. I mean, alot of celebrities are great, and they deserve to be recognized, like actors, authors, musicians etc. But celebrities that just sit around for seven weeks and do nothing that get fame? It's so annoying. (I'm probably just jealous.)

• Stereotypes/Labels. Especially when it comes to music. "Oh, you like Bring Me The Horizon? You MUST be a goth." Or, "Ew, you like N-Dubz?! You chav!" Err, no, I just have a diverse music taste.

• Chavs. Yeah, I know, hypocritical as I was just talking about stereotypes, right? But there really isn't any other words do describe a 'chav', really. I hate them. Why do they randomly vandalize/beat people up? It's pathetic. They all need to grow up.

• Attention seeking people. One word... UGHGHGHHGHG.

• People that complain about everything. You're probably thinking that this is hypocritical, but it's not. I don't really complain that much, and I do tend to look on the bright side of things. But people that moan about every little thing annoy me so much. Take my Dad, for example (I do love my Dad, but I'm just using him as an example). We were waiting to cross the road, and there was alot of traffic. He stood there complaining about it, and going 'Ugh, this is going to take ages to cross. Oh great more cars are coming.' Why?! We didn't have to be anywhere at any time, so we could have just stood there and chatted or something. I just really do not get people that are pessimistic.

Well, that's my rant over.


  1. I agree with you on everything. Chavs.....don't get me started. The town I live in (I'm from the land of the leprechauns....hey, maybe that's why everyone I know is so short?hm..) Is like chav city. You get eyed up by all the guys, and glared at by all the girls. Fun fun fun!
    I know it's like "oh my gawd, like you totally don't like like Hannah Montana. You must be like sooo totally like weird!" (my impersination of the girls at my school.) It's like "Um, no, just because I'm not an anorexic dumb cookie cut out plastic barbie doll wearing so much fake tan that I make ompa loompa's look like vampires, does NOT give YOU the right to call ME weird."
    Yes, anytime I'm looking for something, it seems t grow a pair of legs and walk away. Plus side, I always seem to find something I lost months ago. =D

  2. "Um, no, just because I'm not an anorexic dumb cookie cut out plastic barbie doll wearing so much fake tan that I make ompa loompa's look like vampires, does NOT give YOU the right to call ME weird."
    ^ Hahhaha, that's so true!!

    And yeah good point.
